Our law firm

…has a history of over 40 years in the Lónyay street located in the IX. district of Budapest and with the passage of time, a new generation of lawyers is now available to serve the second and often third generation of clients in the protection of growing family businesses and assets.

"There is a bridge leading to every solution, which we help build."


We continue to represent

…the interests of our clients at all stages and areas of their lives, with constant, reliable expertise and availability:

  • In family cases, in business and employment cases
  • In private agreements involving assets,
  • In real estate and company cases.

Family Cases

  • issues related to inheritance and last will and testament
  • litigious and non-litigious cases
  • questions related to data protection
  • civil litigation
  • support for debt settlement and creditor agreements
  • private law contracts
  • dispute resolution and mediation
  • establishment and termination of usufruct
  • marital property law contract
  • inheritance, last will and testament
  • legal mediation between parties in case of divorce
  • criminal defense

Business and Labour Cases

Answering legal issues affecting businesses and comprehensive corporate representation

Corporate law, labor law, issues related to outstanding debts and claims

  • Labor law representation for employers and employees
  • Protection of ownership interests in cases of minority and majority ownership Investment and syndicate agreements
  • Establishment, sale and dissolution of companies
  • Establishment and exploitation of intellectual property rights, know-how agreements

Private agreements involving assets, real estate and company law cases

  • Legal representation and opinion on the purchase and sale of real estate
  • Legal representation and opinion on leasing and tenancy of real estate
  • Purchase and sale of boats, shipping transactions
  • Overview of corporate assets from a legal and economic perspective
  • Preliminary and subsequent legal opinion on corporate and personal credit agreements


We follow those principles

…in our legal practice, that always apply to our own family, business and financial situation, in accordance with the highest business and ethical standards.

Our Goal

…discreetly preserve and enhance the value entrusted to us by our clients for multiple generations using the tools of the law.

Important for our law firm to provide a professional and empathetic environment for our clients while providing thorough and conscientious work.

Adress: 1093 Budapest, Lónyay u. 49. fszt. 2.
Phone:+36 1 2170217
E-mail: iroda@drfucskar.hu

There is a bridge leading to every solution, which we help build.

© 2023 Dr. Fucskár Réka and Partners Law Firm All rights reserved.